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  3. Setup FileDrive on Windows

Setup FileDrive on Windows

How do I access my remote desktop drives from my local computer?

If you do not have the latest version of the program installed, you can download it by doing the following:

Scroll down to Drive (1) and choose FileCloud Drive for Windows (2).

Press FileCloudDrive2Set... (3).

Press Yes to allow the program to make changes to your local computer.

Press Next (4).

Press Install (5).

Check the Yes, restart the computer now checkbox (6). Click Finish (7). The computer will restart.

After the restart the following window will appear. Enter the following information:

Server URL (8): https://filedrive.hosit.dk
Account (9): your email address
Password (10): your password for your remote desktop

At the Settings icon in the upper right corner (11), you can sitch drive letter (choose a letter that are not already used on your local computer). Close the pop-up box when the letter has been changed.

Press Sign In (12).

The following window will show up. Click the settings icon (13).

We recommend that you turn the following three settings off (14, 15, 16).

Your FileDrive will now open. Open the Shares (17) folder from where you have access to your remote desktop drives.

Updated on 25. March 2022

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